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This produces a scale that is measured in days as with ggplot2::scale_x_date, however it will snap breaks and limits to week boundaries so that things work as intended when binning by week.


  name = waiver(),
  week_breaks = waiver(),
  labels = waiver(),
  date_labels = waiver(),
  week_minor_breaks = waiver(),
  oob = scales::oob_keep,
  limits = NULL,
  week_start = getOption("phylepic.week_start")


name, labels, date_labels, oob, limits, ...

see ggplot2::scale_x_date().

week_breaks, week_minor_breaks

frequency of breaks in number of weeks (e.g. 2 for fortnightly breaks).


Day the week begins (defaults to Monday). Can be specified as a case-insensitive English weekday name such as "Monday" or an integer. Since you generally won't want to mix definitions, it is more convenient to control this globally with the "phylepic.week_start" option, e.g. options(phylepic.week_start = "Monday").


a ggplot scale object.


Any limits specified are converted to the nearest week boundary that includes the specified dates, i.e. the lower limit will be rounded down and the upper limit rounded up so that the limits are week boundaries.