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Contains the other administrative geometries which intersect with the local health district boundaries, along with the size of the intersection.




An object of class data.frame with 825 rows and 5 columns.


Computed using the same source datasets as lhd and poa_nsw.


For geographic regions used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the ABS publishes correspondence files. These files compare how two different types of regions align with each other. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care published analogous concordance files for primary health networks (PHNs). These are useful for mapping between different types of administrative districts. There does not appear to be a publicly available set of concordance files for New South Wales local health district geographies.

The concordance was computed here by intersecting the ABS geometries with the local health district geometries. The fraction of the ABS geometry's area included in the intersection is reported in the column FRAC_INCLUDED. Any intersection with FRAC_INCLUDED at least 0.01% was retained. Area computations were performed in crs_gda2020_albers() (EPSG 9473 equal area Albers) coordinates at the original reolution of the source data.

Note that postal areas are not precisely the same as postcodes used by Australia Post, however they are very similar.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# postcodes that overlap with Murrumbidgee LHD
poa_lhd_concordance |>
  filter(lhd_name == "Murrumbidgee", FRAC_INCLUDED > 0.005) |>
  arrange(desc(FRAC_INCLUDED)) |>
#>  [1] "2644" "2646" "2649" "2653" "2659" "2660" "2712" "2713" "2643" "2645"
#> [11] "2647" "2650" "2651" "2655" "2656" "2658" "2661" "2710" "2716" "2729"
#> [21] "2730" "2731" "2732" "2590" "2663" "2678" "2700" "2701" "2702" "2707"
#> [31] "2722" "2726" "2733" "2734" "2735" "2587" "2588" "2652" "2665" "2680"
#> [41] "2703" "2705" "2706" "2725" "2666" "2668" "2681" "2586" "2669" "2714"
#> [51] "2727" "2720" "2675" "2803" "2585" "2736" "2642" "2672" "2594" "2671"
#> [61] "2640" "2711" "2721" "2808" "2611" "3644" "2807" "2629" "2627" "2794"
#> [71] "2582" "2878" "2583" "3707" "2715"

# extract the main LHD for each postcode
poa_lhd_concordance |>
  arrange(desc(FRAC_INCLUDED)) |>
  slice_head(n = 1, by = POA_NAME_2021) |>
  mutate(postcode = POA_NAME_2021, lhd = lhd_name, .keep = "none") |>
#> # A tibble: 671 × 2
#>    postcode lhd         
#>    <chr>    <chr>       
#>  1 2549     Southern NSW
#>  2 2632     Southern NSW
#>  3 2548     Southern NSW
#>  4 2550     Southern NSW
#>  5 2551     Southern NSW
#>  6 2625     Southern NSW
#>  7 2631     Southern NSW
#>  8 2545     Southern NSW
#>  9 2546     Southern NSW
#> 10 2630     Southern NSW
#> # ℹ 661 more rows