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Convert input data frame into a spatial data frame


add_geometry(x, location, feature_type = NA, geom_name = "geometry")



Data frame with a feature name column.


Feature names (tidy evaluation).


The registered map corresponding to values in location. If NA (the default), the type is guessed from the values in location.


Name for the new column to contain the geometry.


A spatial data frame containing all of the columns from the input data frame.


add_geometry(nc_type_example_2, county, feature_type = "")
#> Simple feature collection with 200 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -82.74389 ymin: 35.14903 xmax: -76.69376 ymax: 36.24614
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
#> First 10 features:
#>       county type                       geometry
#> 1     MARTIN    A MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.17846 3...
#> 2   ALAMANCE    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.24619 3...
#> 3     BERTIE    A MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.78307 3...
#> 4    CHATHAM    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.55536 3...
#> 5    CHATHAM    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.55536 3...
#> 6  HENDERSON    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.57003 3...
#> 7     GASTON    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.32282 3...
#> 8     GASTON    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.32282 3...
#> 9    LINCOLN    B MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.95677 3...
#> 10 HENDERSON    A MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.57003 3...